Ween - Push Th' Little Daisies

Unveiling the Eclectic Delight: Ween’s ‘Push th’ Little Daisies’ – Your Uplifting Song of the Month

Take a step into the deliriously odd world of Ween

Ween is an American rock band formed in New Hope, Pennsylvania, in 1984, by childhood friends Aaron Freeman (Gene Ween) and Mickey Melchiondo (Dean Ween). Known for genre-blending and humour, their music incorporates rock, alternative, psychedelia, punk, country, soul, and experimental elements. Playful lyrics and versatility earned them a devoted cult following.

As a devoted Ween enthusiast, I’ve been an avid listener of their music for a good few years. Among their extensive and eclectic discography, The Mollusk, released in 1997, holds a special place in my heart, securing its spot as one of my top three all-time favourite albums. However, despite my long-time admiration for the band, it was only in recent months that I stumbled upon a hidden gem – the delightful Push Th’ Little Daisies, which has now become this July’s Song of the Month. Its catchy melody and quirky lyrics have been on constant repeat, brightening even the most challenging days.

There’s an unmistakable charm in Ween’s music that never fails to bring a genuine and undeniable smile to my face. Their ability to seamlessly blend different genres and create something truly unique sets them apart from any other band I’ve come across. Whether it’s the playful humour, the unconventional melodies, or the sheer joy exuding from their songs, Ween’s music has an inexplicable power to uplift and transport me to a happier place.

Push Th’ Little Daisies is a quirky and eccentric song, reflecting the band’s trademark style of blending various genres and embracing unconventional lyrics.

A release that was made in 1992, Push Th’ Little Daisies is a track off their 3rd album Pure Guava. The song features a playful and catchy melody accompanied by whimsical and nonsensical lyrics. The repetitive and infectious chorus of “Push th’ little daisies and make ’em come up“, delivered in a fun and peculiar auto-tuned style, only adds to the song’s memorable and quirky charms. The lyrics seem to be intentionally eccentric and humorous, contributing to Ween’s reputation for creating unconventional and entertaining off-beat music.

In conclusion, my journey as a Ween fan has been filled with delightful surprises, and Push Th’ Little Daisies is just one of many instances where their music has brought unparalleled happiness into my life. Whether you’re a long-time fan or a newcomer to their discography, I wholeheartedly recommend giving this quirky gem a listen – it’s bound to put a contagious smile on your face, too.